- What is Water Ingress?
It’s a term used frequently in the building industry to describe water seeping through a building. Sometimes it’s through the roof. But people often get it in their walls, basement, floors – virtually any part of a building’s structure where water can make its way in.
- Do people use other names to describe what it is?
People often describe it as a “water leak”. But it’s different from your typical “plumbing leak” in that it’s not the result of a problem with the pipes or taps, but more a problem with the way the building was constructed.
- What sort of people contact Stable Commercial hoping they can fix their water ingress problem?
Most often Stable Commercial get calls from Strata Managers or members of a body corporate who are frustrated that they haven’t been able to fix a water ingress problem, even though they’ve often spent a lot of time and money trying to do so.
One of the things owner Eddie Ostler and the team has learned from talking to these people is how stressed they feel when it rains. Remember, they’re essentially carrying the load for the people they’re representing. And every time it rains and the water ingress problem reappears, they come under increasing pressure to fix it.
- Why do Strata Managers or members of a body corporate come to Stable Commercial?
Typically, both groups are fed up working with guys who say they’ve fixed the water ingress problem, only to find that when the rain comes, nothing’s changed. The more this happens, the more pressure they feel to find a solution to the problem – once and for all.
The fact that Stable Commercial guarantees its work, when a lot of other contractors don’t, helps them to feel comfortable knowing that when Stable Commercial says it’ll fix the problem, Eddie and the team will actually be there until everyone is satisfied that it is fixed.
- What makes Stable Commercial’s approach to fixing water ingress different from a lot of the other guys who specialise in fixing water leaks?
Stable Commercial spend a lot of time and effort trying to diagnose exactly what the problem is. This is where a lot of the other guys out there get into problems. Because accurate diagnosis can sometimes cost money, other contractors often guess what the problem is, repair accordingly, only to find that when the rain next comes, nothing’s changed.
Stable Commercial don’t operate that way. Because they’ve had over 25 years of experience solving water ingress problems, they’ve got a pretty big inventory of water ingress case histories they call upon when diagnosing problems. Because of that, they’re a lot more confident with their diagnosis …to the point that if they’re unsure, they’ll take the steps necessary to confirm through testing exactly what is the cause of the problem. That way, everyone knows what they’re dealing with when they go in.
The other advantage Stable has is that they work with the suppliers of the products they use. They accredit the work of Stable Commercial and supply a back-to-back warranty with their applications.
- Is that diagnostic process expensive?
It can be. But typically Stable Commercial are more cost effective than their competitors. Plus they provide a warranty for up to 20 years in a lot of cases. With Stable Commercial, the water ingress problem is fixed, once and for all.
- What are one or two instances where Stable Commercial has helped some people solve their water ingress problem?
Stable Commercial worked on a large apartment complex in Currambine that has had an ongoing ingress problem through the walls resulting in continual mould for the tenants.
Stable Commercial has also completed work on a set of apartments in South Perth that have been trying to fix their water ingress problems for the best part of seven years. Based on Stable’s extensive testing, as well as several big downpours Perth has had since Stable finished the job, Eddie and the team are confident they’ve fixed that too.
- What’s the best way to get Stable Commercial to look at a water ingress problem?
The best thing to do is fill out the online enquiry form on this website. Alternatively, you can call owner Eddie Ostler on 0401 743 430.
- Is there a cost involved to make an enquiry to Stable Commercial?
Generally no, although there may be if the guys have to do something a little out of the ordinary in order to diagnose the problem. For example, Stable Commercial recently did a job for the Wesley Church in Perth. Their water ingress problem was very much about accurate diagnosis which required the guys to bore into the adjacent grounds where they discovered the source of the problem. Over the years, the powers that be at the Wesley Church had tried many times to get their problem fixed, but without tackling the underground problem, that was never going to happen.
10. Is there a best time of the year to fix a water ingress problem?
It depends on the issue. In some cases, if it’s in the dry season, Stable Commercial may need to flood the area first in order to improve the performance of their product. Whereas with other products in different scenarios, rain is a hindrance.